As an audiologist who has undergone several Mohs surgeries for skin cancer, I strongly endorse the Gotcha Covered's patent pending gaiter to mitigate the potential for skin cancer while enabling the user to hear more normally, whether in the woods or on the water. The well-designed mesh ear coverings are an innovative solution, for hearing aid users and non-users alike, which greatly reduces, if not eliminates, the need to constantly pull down the gaiter to hear. As a bonus, since you can both hear and breathe easier in a GC gaiter, the product is far more comfortable than traditional products.
Dr. Beth S. Norris, Au.D., CCC-A

Our familys have been bonefishing guides here in the Bahamas for the past 63 years, all five brothers along with our dad. We have more than 180 combined years of guiding experience in the sun and the heat of the beautiful flats of Grand Bahama Bahamas. Collectively our family has probably worn just about every face mask and face covering on the market, but we have never worn any face covering more comfortable and ventilated than the new GCA gaiter. It provides a very breathable mouth and nose grill, and extra ventilation through the ear grills. It is the first of its kind providing the ear grills as well which allows for better hearing of your guide, or that animal while hunting. The ear grills also allows for extra cooling and extra air in the mask which helps to push out any unnecessary heat trapped in the mask. It also eliminates the fogging of your sunglasses under intense heat. We highly recommend the GCA gaiter to all our fishing and hunting friends, clients, families and any and everyone engaging in any consistent outdoor sun activities. Congratulations to Gotcha Covered Apparel for designing such an innovative and comfortable garment. We think It’s a game changer.
Captain Jeffrey & David Pinder
Grand Bahamas Bonefishing
Freeport, Bahamas
Having seen neck gaiters come and go over the years, Gotcha Covered has developed an innovative gaiter that really sets a new bar. The ear vents allow anglers to hear their guide clearly and the front vent prevents annoying fogged glasses. Those innovations are great but the most impressive aspect of this gaiter is the incredibly comfortable fabric made of natural, environmentally friendly bamboo.
Craig Hayes
Turneffe Flats Lodge, Owner

I have been searching for a fishing gaiter that allows me to hear the guide better when on the bow of the boat without having to pull it down and expose my face, ears and nose to damaging UV rays. The GCA gaiter is what I have been looking for.